Category Archives: Sustainable business

Drumul către un business sustenabil începe cu angajații companiei

→ În aprilie 2014, Parlamentul European a adoptat Directiva (2014/95/UE) privind obligația companiilor cu peste 500 de angajați de a raporta anual impactul social și de mediu. Directiva urmează să fie transpusă în legislațiile naționale până la sfârșitul lui 2016, iar companiile vizate vor trebui să înceapă să publice primele rapoarte cu privire la aspectele…
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CSR or Sustainability?

We've tried to summarise in a sketch how we see the difference between CSR and Sustainability. We believe that it's time to start the transition from CSR to sustainability, the transition from 'doing good' to 'creating good companies'. If companies want to create real change and have a real positive impact, then a new thinking is…
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Why your employees need more vitamin N?

Imagine an interview for a new job in which the candidates are asked not only about their professional experience and expertise or personality traits, but also about how much time they spend in nature both in and outside the city, what are the environmental causes they care about or how much time they spend disconnected…
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